
时间:2018-08-22    来源:雅昌艺术网    作者:雅昌艺术网

摘要:妄念 时间:2018年9月12—10月24日 地点:英国伦敦萨奇美术馆 艺术总监:管怀宾张颂仁 策展人:王岩 助理策展人:林灿文 主办:中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院萨奇美术馆 鸣谢:平行当代艺术(英国)杭州世通文化艺术策划有限公司 2018年9月12日,由策展人王岩策划的展览《妄念》将在…


时间: 2018年9月12—10月24日
地点: 英国伦敦 萨奇美术馆 
艺术总监:管怀宾   张颂仁
主办:中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院      萨奇美术馆
鸣谢:平行当代艺术(英国)    杭州世通文化艺术策划有限公司



  对象:孙晓宇Sun Xiaoyu


  Q:能解释一下《山陬海澨》(《Romote Area Of Red》)作品标题的含义吗?

  Can you explain the meaning of the title Romote Area of Red?


  The title is from ancient Chinese, citing from Wang Zhuo of Qing Dynasty, On the Present World - the Virtue: “The place where you are is the remote area of red”, referring the mountain and the sea afar, or in a more general way the remote places. It is a sense of desolation or lonely island that I am pursuing.

孙晓宇   山陬海澨   2017 三屏影像 11分钟


  You describe this work as "a self-rescue operation, and the first diagnosis of ‘diseases’ and ‘hidden dangers’ that most people don't realize”. How does this operation/first diagnosis work with the "self"?


  Our daily life is surrounded by diverse media and technologies. We are constantly, and passively, receiving information. The explosive information gradually penetrated into the sense of self, dispelling the sensory acuity. Unconsciously shielding the self-consciousness in daily life, our focus is constantly following online information, and it becomes strange when we attempt to return to our inner self - it seems like dealing with another self. This may be a problem faced by people today. I classify it as "hidden danger" or "disease". It is a self-cognitive disorder formed by neglecting self-cognition under the interference of excessive information. There may be many selves in each person, and I uttered them through "self-synthesis" so that viewers can go into their own personal sensory worlds while reading images.


  What difficulties did you encounter in shooting?


  I spent a month in the early stage of the creation to sort out the expression logic for the three-screen narrative. At the very beginning of the script I did a lot of preparatory work and visual design. The interior shooting space was renovated from an blank room. The more difficult part was the outdoor shooting. The site was Shenshan Island, which was barely reachable and with unpredictable weather. We used to be trapped on the island and could not shoot. As the shooting progressed, we gradually accustomed ourselves to sudden situations and difficulties, and regarded the shooting process as a process of continuous improvement, participation and enjoyment. We overcame many difficulties together. Looking back at the hard work of those sleepless nights, it is still romantic and hot-blooded.


  How do you achieve the lyrical narrative and poetic expression in the work?


  Professor Gao Shiqiang, my instructor, exerted a great deal of influence on the construction of my viewpoint of image world. The poetic expression of image is a kite line of aesthetic appreciation, which could be extended very high and far.


  A:More often than not, artists start from "self" and then embark on a more ambitious way of creation. Will your new works in the future change such a direction of creation?


  This work only represents my status quo and doubts in that very phase. It may be the dividing line of youth as well. After this work, my focus has shifted to different fields. On top of keeping the original style and disposition, I might try more approaches of expression. I might attempt to solve remaining problems in the next work during constant growth.
