
时间:2018-08-22    来源:雅昌艺术网    作者:雅昌艺术网

摘要:妄念 时间:2018年9月12—10月24日 地点:英国伦敦萨奇美术馆 艺术总监:管怀宾张颂仁 策展人:王岩 助理策展人:林灿文 主办:中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院萨奇美术馆 鸣谢:平行当代艺术(英国)杭州世通文化艺术策划有限公司 2018年9月12日,由策展人王岩策划的展览《妄念》将在…


时间: 2018年9月12—10月24日
地点: 英国伦敦 萨奇美术馆 
艺术总监:管怀宾   张颂仁
主办:中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院      萨奇美术馆
鸣谢:平行当代艺术(英国)    杭州世通文化艺术策划有限公司



  对象:宋戈文Song Gewen


  Q:《彼岸:无桨之舟》(《The other Shore: the Boat without Paddle》)这件作品的创作契机是什么?

  What motivated you to create The other Shore: the Boat without Paddle?


  I have been paying much attention to the topic of energy and transformation. Not only is this about physics; it might also be a divine energy. The concept of "relatively static" in this process of thinking is a special existence. One day, I had a dream that I fell into a water and struggled to get to the shore. It was close like at hand, but I just couldn’t get to. It felt like an astronaut who could not walk in space without external force. It was a state like a boat on land.

宋戈文   彼岸:无桨之舟    2015    木  金属   电机  霓虹灯  灯泡   时间控制器   尺寸可变


  From your works people can feel the metaphors stem from myths and religious classics. What do you think about these?


  Creation must responds to humanity, while religion and mythology directly reflect humanity. This is also an unavoidable topic. We can use it to understand ourselves more deeply.


  What difficulties did you encounter when creating this work?


  The difficulty was that, we needed to reach a balance among technology, styling and aesthetics, let the original shape be extracted and sublimated from reality, in this way, get rid of the inherent symbolic system and create new visual symbols.


  Physical movements, cold machinery and industrial elements were mixed into a series of installation works of yours. What are the implications behind this mixture?


  I never thought about meanings carefully, because my creations often start from the material itself. I just extend my creation from an interesting phenomenon or an action, rather than presupposing a theme and then improving it in a specific direction. What I am focusing on is the evolution process of the idea of creation. I don’t need to obtain an result with implication.


  What is the source of power of installation works?


I think the power source of installation lies in connection. Not only the connection between internal materials, but also that with the environment and the viewer. It is a poetic power to link the seemingly unrelated objects organically in the  misreading process.
